Developmental work
From contact in the community, we build relationships and work together with young people to develop activities and projects that interest and engage them and which offer opportunities for young people to have fun, learn, take action and make change. Wherever possible, we encourage young people to take a lead in planning, organising and realising activities.
Activities range from:
Evening trips
Day activities
Issue-based workshops
Arts and Sports based activities and workshops
Residential trips away
Developmental projects and training
Community action
Tailored one-to-one support
One-to-One Support
Through the conversations we have around these activities, as trust develops, young people will frequently talk with us about things that are of concern to them.
Sometimes, they find a resolution within one or two conversations: other times, this leads onto more sustained, tailored one-to-one support of a group, around a particular issue, or of an individual, with a personal concern. Here, we seek to listen carefully, and to help young people reflect on their actions, explore their options, choose an appropriate course of action, consider the possible consequences, take action and then reflect further. The aim in all of our activities and conversations is to support young people’s learning about themselves and life, through deliberate thinking about their life, so we all increase our practical wisdom for living well.
Often this support involves:
accompanying young people through a time of challenge or crisis
helping a young person connect with other agencies which can offer them support
helping young people write CVs, prepare for interviews and find work
helping young people set their own goals and achieve them.