'Common Protocols' for Detached Youth Work

In mid-2019, Young Manchester funded M13 Youth Project to take on the role of Strategic Lead for Detached Youth Work in Manchester, to support the development and delivery of robust and excellent quality detached youth work. We convened a Steering Group of experienced detached youth workers and managers from various local organisations to consider the issues facing detached youth work and workers in Manchester. Much of our initial work was undertaken through the Covid-19 pandemic and involved responding to requests for support for those wanting to work with young people in outdoor public spaces during the pandemic.


More recently, we have been working with Graeme Tiffany and detached youth workers and managers in Manchester to produce Common Protocols for Detached Youth Work in Manchester. These were published and launched in June 2022; and reprinted (with minor edits) in November 2022.


You can download an electronic version below.


Common Protocols for Detached Youth Work in Manchester
Mcr Det Common Protocols M13 SCREENv2.pd[...]
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