Current Activities and Projects

Weekly Activities

'Detached' Youth Work in Ardwick and Hulme


We are out and about daily throughout the year in local neighbourhoods - on the streets, in parks and other community spaces - meeting up and chatting with young people, joining in with conversations and games, developing trips and projects.


Ardwick ward

  • Brunswick (Tues, Weds, Thurs)
  • Grove Village (Mon, Thurs, Fri)
  • Coverdale and NewBank (Weds, Thurs, Fri)


Hulme ward

  • St George's & Hulme Park (Tues, Weds, Thurs)

Weekly Groups, Drop-Ins and Clubs

Monday Younger Lads Group

4 - 6pm

for boys aged 10-14yrs

Contact: Mario 07921 214016

Tuesday Brunswick Youth Club

4.15 - 6pm

for young people aged 12-18yrs

Contact: Robert 07449 878669

Tuesday Brunswick Lads Drop-In

7 - 9pm

for young men aged 14-18yrs

Contact: Gabriel 07921 214020

Wednesday Basketball Training

4.30 - 6pm

for young people aged 10-18yrs

Contact: Mario 07921 214016

Wednesday Younger Girls' Group

4.15 - 6pm

for girls aged 12-15yrs

Contact: Shannon 07743 932358

Thursday Older Girls' Group

7 - 9pm

for young women aged 16-24yrs

Contact: Vikki 07921 214019

Young Dads' Project - city-wide support for young dads

Our Young Dads' Project offers tailored, flexible support to young men aged 21 and under, who are fathers, expectant fathers or who are taking on the role of a father, including:

  • emotional support around fathering and opportunities to enhance your parenting skills
  • practical support around issues such as employment, education, health, training, housing, relationships and anything else you believe is a barrier to you being the dad you want to be
  • connecting you to other relevant services
  • advocacy for young fathers in Manchester


  • We run weekly one-to-one sessions at accessible locations around Manchester.
  • We provide advocacy and support in meetings with other professionals (case conferences).
  • We provide opportunities for you to meet other young dads.


For further information contact: Des Oakley: 07921 214017, Robert McFarlane: 07593 445123,


Flexible individual support

M13 staff are available to listen to, meet up with and support young people and young dads on a flexible basis. We can be contacted by phone, text or WhatsApp as follows:


Helen (Manager) 07973 976925
Gabriel (Senior Worker) 07921 214020
Vikki (Lead Female Worker, Ardwick) 07921 214019
Nicola (Lead Detached Worker, Hulme) 07921 214018
Mario (Detached Youth Worker) 07921 214016
Robert (Detached & Young Dads' Worker) 07593 445123
Shannon (Detached Youth Worker) 07743 932358

Des (Young Dads' Worker) 07921 214017

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